Putting People First

Fair debt collection process for both customers and consumers

UK Coverage

Seamless and transparent engagement experience

We buy debt

Our collection processes

A formal letter of notification requesting payment is sent within 24 hours of placement. All correspondence is in compliance with latest GDPR and we follow strict code of practice based on the highest industry standards (CSA).

Our initial telephone contact is a request for the balance of the account. In cases where immediate full payment is not possible, Friendly Ease Solution reviews the debtor’s circumstances to formulate a plan to liquidate the debt through regularly scheduled payments that work for both the debtor and our client.

In addition, we use compliant dialling systems to maximize our contact efficiency. All payment plans are continually monitored to ensure payments are made promptly. The debtor is contacted immediately should any scheduled payment be missed. This ongoing account management results in faster settlement should the debtor’s circumstances change during the course of the collection process.

We will update our clients regularly as needed on the progress of the collection process. We are transparent and friendly.