Our Debt Collection Process

Debt Collection Process

Our debt collection effort starts with verifying the contact information provided by our clients and gathering additional information on the business to be used by the debt collector. We email, fax and mail a short demand letter to the debtor typically within one business day of receiving a claim. However, the primary communication method in our debt collection process is the telephone augmented by e-mail as appropriate. When we can get the debtor on the phone, we can find out through a series of questions what the real reason is for unpaid bills. Determining the real reason can have a dramatic impact on the approach the debt collector will use.  Just simply demanding the money typically does not work.  Instead, we often need to get a solid understanding of the debtor’s business, current business prospects, working capital position, secured debts, personal guarantees, etc… Once we have this information and we understand why they aren’t paying, we can come up with a strategy to get as much money as possible as quickly as possible.

Verifying contact

Sending demanding letter

Call the customer & investigate

Coming up with the plan

Credit control projects (Accounts receivable)

Refer a Debt